Please help me determine the future of Hot Shots


Hot Shots is at a fork in the road.

As former Hot Shots families, we thought you would be the best people to turn to for thoughts about the program’s future.

Two recent events prompted this outreach: I turned 74 (which reminded me that I can’t run Hot Shots forever!), and then the Boys & Girls Club suddenly ended its relationship with Hot Shots. The change in our B&G Club status creates immediate and long-term challenges.

Short-term need — A pro bono attorney: To run a fall program requires the immediate resuscitation of my nonprofit, which I shuttered in 2021 when the Boys & Girls Club and I were working toward a plan to transition Hot Shots to the Club upon my retirement. I would need an attorney willing to take this on as a pro bono project.

Long-term need — A successor(s): My hope is to find a person or group of people with a passion for the Hot Shots mission to take over the program. Could that be you or someone you know? I would give you all the materials, email lists, props (tutus, Hula Hoops, books, etc.) and work with you for as long as you need me.

Or we accept that all good things come to an end and celebrate: Is the best and simplest solution to retire Hot Shots and celebrate its achievements with a big party?

As Hot Shots turns 30, I look back with pride at the 5,000+ girls (and now boys!) who’ve built their self-confidence, parental bonds, love of reading, and athletic and (recently) artistic skills at Hot Shots. That’s not to mention the 300 amazing young women coaches, the $20,000 worth of books donated to Marshfield’s grade school libraries, and the $15,000 in coaches’ scholarships.

And, of course, there are the thousands of parents who got to wear tutus, have pillow fights, read books together, and experience an hour of joy on Sunday mornings. Those moments built lasting memories for you and your kids. Is that enough? Should we just celebrate it and retire it? Or should we try to find a way to pass the torch?

That’s where you come in. No one knows Hot Shots better than you. If you’re an attorney willing to help me resuscitate our nonprofit, or if you’re interested in at least discussing what would be involved in taking over Hot Shots, I’d love to hear from you. You can reach me either through an email (, or a phone call/text (617-688-0137). If you’d like to meet to talk in person, I’m up for that, too.

Thank you in advance for your thoughts.
